Activities calendar

08 February 2021

PRO-VE 2021 Special Session Submission: Knowledge transfer and accelerated innovation in FoF

The implementation in the factories of the future of the concepts related to digital technologies, including Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Smart manufacturing, Computer vision, Collaborative work from multiple perspectives and collaborative innovation bring a lot of added-values contributing to the 4th industrial revolution.

PRO-VE 2021: Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0

In recent years, PRO-VE Conferences have introduced the notion of Collaborative networks 4.0 (CN4.0) as the new generation of collaborative networks, in the era of applied Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation. Meanwhile since last year, the world has encountered major health and economic crises caused by the Corona pandemic, emphasizing that disruptive situations, at different scales, tend to be increasingly frequent, while having strong impact in the society. Smart and digital technologies supporting agility, scalability, resilience, and adaptability, characterize CN 4.0.