WP8 deals with the dissemination and exploitation of project results. As such it encompasses:
- The creation of a communication strategy,
- The realization of dissemination materials (flyers, posters, roll-ups),
- The realization and regular update of the project website,
- The creation of a social media strategy and its daily implementation,
- The organization of multiplier events, like conferences, workshops, seminars, tutorials podium discussions and webinars. A minimum of 15 exploitation events (in industry and academia) is planned to be held,
- Bilateral and multi-lateral meetings with experts and representatives of stakeholder organizations,
- Presentation of the overall project and individual components in innovation and networking events,
- Publication of a white paper for design in the Factory of the Future,
- The publication of press and scientific articles
- Interviews and media appearances,
- The realization of a project video.
T8.1 Creating a dissemination and exploitation strategy, including social media
T8.2 Realizing the dissemination materials
T8.3 Realization of exploitation events and activities
T8.4 Publishing materials on the DIGIFOF project