The aim of WP5 is to improve the industry-required skills and competences of students. To achieve this the following will be done:
- A collaboration framework to ensure the continuous knowledge exchange between academia and industry, including student placements and traineeships, scientific works (i.e. Master thesis) in collaboration with industry, as well as presentations and impulse seminars/lectures given by industry in academia,
- The adaptation of existing courses/modules with new materials and topics relevant to the FoF design, developed in WP3. Also the enrichment of university education with industry cases,
- Testing an innovative problem-based learning approach using innovative materials and labs during the “Next-Generation Enterprise Modelling”, NEMO, summer schools,
- Development of a guideline on implementing a Master program for the Factory of the Future Designer.
T5.1 Creating a continuous academia-industry knowledge exchange framework including implementation of specific items
T5.2 Testing the novel training approach during the NEMO summer schools
T5.3 Co-creating a guideline establishing a joint (industry-academia)n Master program for Factory of the Future Designers